Spiritual Development Circles




MAY 25



Message Circle

In-person at Primitive Crow in Bozrah

It’s a good old fashioned home message circle. As Spiritualism was developing, people would gather in community at someone’s house and pass messages to each other. The session is open to anyone who wishes to practice their message delivery in a group. Your ability doesn’t matter as we are all here to get some practice and learn from each other. General guidelines will be presented at the start of the session and a group facilitator will help you stay on track with your message if needed.

Time:  7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.     Cost:  $20.00 per event




Mediumship Mentorship (4-weeks)

LIVE via Zoom

You’ve taken the classes and you still don’t feel confident in your Mediumship readings.  Join Priscilla for these small, personalized Mediumship focus groups.  These sessions are designed to help you gain confidence in your readings, enhance your Mediumship training and receive personal feedback from an experienced Medium and teacher.  Class size is limited so that each person can receive the guidance they need. Class meets on January 16, 23, February 6 and 13. 

Time:  7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.     Cost:  $160.00 (payment plans available)




Mediumship Development Circle (6-weeks)

Live via Zoom

Awww, you missed it!  Stay tuned for more upcoming programs.

Join in this group to advance your mediumistic abilities.  This group is open to those who have taken classes in Mediumship and have a basic foundation of skills.   Each week we gather in community, meditate and focus on a specific skill set.  Each class builds upon the next in order to keep the vibration of the group high and to keep you attuned to your skills.

Once you have registered, a payment link will be provided followed by the Zoom information.

Time: 7:15 p.m. - 8:45 p.m.       Cost:  $200.00 Paid in Full or three payments of $70.00



Join in on Facebook.com/HIHCenter.


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