
Two Steps Forward and One Step Back: Embracing the Journey of Progress

By pbengtson | July 19, 2024

In the dance of life, we often find ourselves moving forward, only to take a step back. This can feel frustrating, but it’s essential to remember that two steps forward and one step back is still progress. Embracing this mindset …

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A woman sitting on the floor with her laptop computer, looking up at a wall that has three check marks with the words, Checklist of Life underneath.

In the Checklist of Life, please cross off ‘Learn to be Spiritual’

By pbengtson | July 14, 2024

Embrace Your Spiritual Journey: A Path to Human Experience Exploring Your Beliefs In life, checking off “Learn to be Spiritual” isn’t necessary—you already are a spiritual being having a human experience. What you truly need to put on your checklist …

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Overcoming Obstacles on the way to your Life Vision

By pbengtson | June 28, 2024

In the latest episode of “This Life or Something Better,” we delve into overcoming obstacles on the journey to your life vision. Discover how to perceive challenges as temporary, focus on identity-based goals, and view failures as growth opportunities. Tune in for actionable insights and join our community for ongoing support. Keep believing, evolving, and reaching for your Something Better.

You are one decision away from a totally different life

By pbengtson | June 28, 2024

You are one decision away from a totally different life. I often hear people say, “It only took me ten years to make this decision.” It only took you a second to decide. The rest of the time was spent …

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Creating and Living your Life Vision

By pbengtson | June 14, 2024

Discover how to create and live your life vision by adding happiness to your environment, using creative visualization, and practicing regular acts of kindness. Priscilla Bengtson shares insights on achieving true fulfillment.

Cultivating Emotional Resilience to Live in your Potential

By pbengtson | June 4, 2024

The latest podcast is all about Cultivating Emotional Resilience. As I launched that episode, I started to prepare for the Women’s Empowerment Day that I’m running tomorrow. That session is called, Living in my Potential and it’s about recognizing that …

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Cultivating Emotional Resilience: A Guide to Thriving in Challenging Times

By pbengtson | May 22, 2024

In today’s fast-paced world, emotional resilience is more important than ever. In my podcast, “This Life or Something Better,” I talk about how cultivating emotional resilience is essential for navigating life’s highs and lows with strength and grace. Here are …

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Embracing Failure as Feedback: The Power of Pivoting

By pbengtson | May 15, 2024

Understanding Failure as Feedback Failure isn’t the end—it’s a steppingstone. Think of failure as valuable feedback, guiding you on what works and what doesn’t. When something doesn’t work out, it’s not a dead end. It’s an opportunity to pivot. Each …

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Are you playing to win or playing to not lose?

By pbengtson | May 11, 2024

I’m preparing for an upcoming event and the phrase, “Are you playing to win or are you playing to not lose?” kept coming up for me. The topic of the event is building confidence and this saying hit me like …

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Brock Purdy: Not letting others define who he is

By pbengtson | February 15, 2024

No one gets to define who you are.  That’s your job.  I was watching the Super Bowl last Sunday and Brock Purdy’s story caught my attention.  In the 2022 NFL Draft, he was called Mr. Irrelevant because he was the …

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