To register please fill out the form at the bottom of the page or call 860.301.1468. A minimum of 4 people is needed, or at instructor's discretion, to run a class. We make class cancellation decisions by 7:00 p.m. the day before the class.
Please note that some sessions are online via Zoom, while others are in person. For online programs, payment is required in order to receive the Zoom link.
We accept all credit cards for online event payment. We accept cash, check or credit/debit cards for in-person payments.
Tea with the Angels
Held at Primitive Crow, 441 Salem Turnpike, Bozrah, CT. To register for this event, please call Beth at 860.383.4611.
The Angels are all around you and they want you to know it. Join us for a tea party with the angels. You’ll learn about the Angels, who they are and how you can work with them. Priscilla will provide a short personal Angel message for all who are in attendance. It’s an event not to be missed. Tea and light snacks provided.
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Cost: $40.00
Women’s Power Hour
LIVE on Zoom
Would you like to be a more empowered version of yourself. We often walk through life just going through the motions. In these monthly gatherings, we explore what is holding us back from being fully empowered, and what we need to do to move to the life we want. We use the tools of meditation, reflection, connection and conversation to bring us to a more conscious state of living. If you are looking for a community and a peaceful place to find yourself, please join us.
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Cost: $25.00
Introduction to Mandalas
Held at Primitive Crow, 441 Salem Turnpike, Bozrah, CT. To register for this event, please call Beth at 860.383.4611.
Explore and experience the dynamics and power of the mandala. A mandala is simply art in a circle. Create a mandala and then learn the symbolism that is encoded within on the intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual levels. Gain an understanding of the meanings of the colors, shapes and placement of objects you use to create your mandala.
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Cost: $45.00
Trance Channel Playground
In-person at Primitive Crow in Bozrah, CT
This is your opportunity to experiment with Spirit connection in a group of like-minded individuals. If you have Mediumship experience and wish to go further into channeling the energies, instead of using perception, then this is your playground to see what your energy is capable of. We will start with the basics and then work in teams, possibly using cabinets, tables, and séance protocols. This is an opportunity for your Spirit Team to test your energy and how to best work with you. All that is needed is an open mind and no fear of the dark.
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Cost: $60.00
Spiritual Thought Exchange
LIVE on Facebook @NavigatingHuman
Join me on Facebook Live for a Spiritual Thought Exchange. Submit your questions ahead of time on a post I'll put up on the page that morning or ask during the session. I'll get to as many questions about spirituality, life and everything holistic as I can. Let's keep the conversations going and stay connected.
Time: 7:00 p.m. Cost: FREE
Held in Vernon
This month’s topic is Manifest the Life you Want
Do you ever find yourself craving deeper connections, not just with others, but with your own inner world? If so, this is the place you want to be. Each month, we use the tenets of Connect-ING: Inquiry, Navigation and Growth, to explore our inner world, find quiet reflection, connect with others of like-mind and like-heart and apply what we learn to grow. It’s a powerful process as each month we explore a different topic. This month, explore the power of the Law of Attraction and manifest the life you want. If you desire to live a more conscious life, join us!
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Cost: By Love Offering
Angel Reader Level II (5 weeks)
In person, at Primitive Crow in Bozrah, CT
Are you ready to put it all together? We’ll take the skills we learned at the basic level and bring them into full readings, deeper connections, and more awareness of the Angelic Realm. Enhance your reading skills and feel confident in being accurate in your sessions. Deepen your system and maintain consistency every time you do a Reading with Oracle Cards or without. Learn about the Archangels and their connection to Ascension, and working with crystals connected to the angels.
The class meets March 18, 25, April 1, 8 and 15. Pre-requisite: Become an Angel Reader plus five practice readings with evaluations. To register for this program, please visit this page.
Time: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Cost: $300 (payment plan available)
Spiritual Counselor Certificate Program: Foundations
Live via Zoom
This course is designed for people who are being called to service and ministry. Participants will gain an understanding of the psyche and recognize the battle between the soul and the ego. Learn how to assist people in moving past sticking points in their lives and help them view life from a higher, spiritual perspective. Also learn how to be that support person for others, without taking on their energy. Some topics we will cover:
- The Soul's Journey
- Understanding Personality Types
- The Ego
- Exploring our Relationship with ourselves
- Universal Laws
- Readiness to Change model
Skill drills are provided during the weekend to work on yourself, as well as to use with clients. Participants will walk away with basic coaching tools to utilize in their service ministry as well as in their own life. This is a non-denominational program, and all viewpoints are welcome. To register for this program, please visit
Time: Friday, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Cost: $400.00
Message Circle
In-person in Bozrah
It’s a good old fashioned home message circle. As Spiritualism was developing, people would gather in community at someone’s house and pass messages to each other. The session is open to anyone who wishes to practice their message delivery in a group. Your ability doesn’t matter as we are all here to get some practice and learn from each other. General guidelines will be presented at the start of the session and a group facilitator will help you stay on track with your message if needed.
Time: 12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m. Cost: $25.00
To register for classes and events, please use the form below or call 860.301.1468. If registering within 24-hours of a class, please call.