Blessings all around us

It’s been too long since I have posted here so my apologies for having to read old stuff.  What a blessed time for me as I finish up the month of the first birthday as The Healing in Harmony Center.  We started on the 1st of this month with the full moon, an Open House, Drum Circle and Manifestation Ceremony and tonight we finished the month on the full moon with a meditation, Drum Circle and Manifestation Ceremony.  At the beginning of the month, we had 38 people attend.  Tonight we had 65 people!  The weather was amazing, the moon cooperated by showing itself and we had so much energy here tonight, I’m sure it will last through the next year.  I want to thank Dorene Mulholland for leading us in both Drum Circles this month.  It is definitely an event to add to the regular schedule, indoors or outdoors.

As I sit here tonight in the silence of the Center, I look around and see how blessed I am.  This month has brought new faces to the Center, new energy to all who come in and new beginnings for many.  I love what I do and thank God every day that I have been chosen to do His work here on earth.  As tired as I am after a loooooonnnnnngggg month, I wouldn’t have changed a thing.  This month, I did 33 individual healings, 41 private readings, 14 sessions of other services plus I was sold out for Psychic Saturday and I saw another 16 people at the ASC New Age Fair.  We saw 32 people at the free Healing in Harmony night and had 87 participants in the free Try it on Tuesday classes. Another 50 people participated in the other workshops and classes this month.  Add to that the approximately 60 students who come in weekly to study with me.  The full moon events were just icing on the cake.  I guess I really was a bit busy this month!

For me, I know that when I go with the flow of the Universe, abundance flows easily.   When I truly allow myself to let go of any expectations or outcomes, I am always pleasantly surprised by the blessings.  Contrary to what many people believe about me, I don’t always know what is coming next.  I just know that it is all in Divine Order and there is always a wonderful blessing or lesson on the other side of it.  I just need to get out of the way.

I’m taking the weekend off to rest and be quiet.  It’s the most important thing I can do to honor myself.  I hope you find a special way to spend your time off.  I’ll meet you back here next week!

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