2016 New Year’s Day Message

If you missed our annual New Year’s Day Meditation today, here is the message that was delivered to the groups.

Welcome to the year 2016!

This is a year filled with wonderment.  A year where anything is possible for you.  The year 2014 was a year of gathering tools that you will need on this journey of life.  2015 was about putting those tools to use and stepping into your destiny.  2016 is a year where it will all come together for you.  This is not to say that you won’t have any challenges before you.  If you use the tools from the previous years, you will find any challenges you face much less daunting than in previous times. 

It’s now or never.  If you accept what comes before you and embrace it, instead of resisting it, you will find much success and happiness.  You will find completion of projects easier.  You will also find that letting go of what no longer serves you will be easier.  If you have done the work of years past, no longer are your emotions driving you forward.  Finish what you have started and prepare as you start anew. If you don’t grasp this opportunity, it won’t go away forever.  It will simply be a little more challenging at a later time or in another year.

The year 2015 seemed as if energy was moving at a fast pace.  This too shall be the case for 2016, however you will find that you are more present in each moment.  You are being called to a higher consciousness this year and the decisions you make this year will set the stage for your future.

Your physical body is continuing its alignment process and therefore, you may experience illness and issues of the physical.  Consider this a purging or cleansing of sorts.  As your vibration is elevating, the shift in energy may feel like too much for your physical body to handle.  Honor your body and your energy level and take heed to your health and wellbeing.  What your body was able to handle in the past, may not be the case this year.

Be smart with your finances as you align with what is truly important to you on this journey.  You may find yourself ridding your life of unnecessary objects or collectibles that you have acquired throughout your years.  Work diligently without moving too quickly through this phase and those objects have energy and may be connected to you energetically and emotionally. 

You are being called to service at an even greater level this year.  Many will still be in need of assistance based on life circumstances and personal choices.  As you are in service, please remember that boundaries are important.  Your service does not involve taking away life lessons for another as they will simply repeat the lesson at a later time.  Keep yourself grounded and present in knowing what belongs to you and what belongs to the other person.  Do not take on the energy of others. 

And most of all, this is a year of Love.  As you find the love and compassion for yourself, you will be able to reflect that out to all in the world.  As we each find that internal love, united we will spread that consciousness globally.  Heighten and enhance your current relationships.  Communicate on how to bring that to a higher level. 

I want you to not just make a New Year’s Resolution but instead create a Revolution in your life.  Dare to Be Different.  Shake up your world and do things differently.  Step into your potential and live in it every day.  Live your life as if everything is a possibility, because it is. 

Have a Happy and Blessed New Year!

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