Finish what you Started: The Power of Overcoming Procrastination

We all have something unfinished, a project left sitting, a conversation we’ve been avoiding, a goal we keep pushing back. It lingers in our minds, taking up space, creating stress, and keeping us stuck. Yet, we convince ourselves we’ll get …

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The Olympic Spirit: Fueling your drive for Success

Every four years, we get the opportunity to witness greatness. When the Olympics are on, I’m watching. My favorite moments are the stories of overcoming adversity to make it to the Olympic Games. When I hear about the trials and …

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Overcoming Obstacles on the way to your Life Vision

In the latest episode of “This Life or Something Better,” we delve into overcoming obstacles on the journey to your life vision. Discover how to perceive challenges as temporary, focus on identity-based goals, and view failures as growth opportunities. Tune in for actionable insights and join our community for ongoing support. Keep believing, evolving, and reaching for your Something Better.

Unveiling the Illusion: The Difference Between Busyness and True Productivity

Today, I find myself grappling with a challenge, stemming from the intense busyness I experienced last week. Juggling numerous clients, teaching classes, and preparing for future sessions, all while fulfilling my family obligations, has left me utterly exhausted. Inevitably, I’m …

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Small Minds Can’t Comprehend Big Visions: A Guide to Spiritual Growth for Women

Spiritual growth is a journey that requires us to challenge our limiting beliefs and expand our minds. By surrounding ourselves with positive influences, taking small steps, practicing gratitude, and meditating, we can tap into our inner selves and embrace our big vision. Women can use these tips to overcome limiting beliefs and achieve spiritual growth.