Mother Earth is cleansing herself

Seems like a very short time ago that I was in a very similar situation of no power.  Ah, yes, it was just August when this same situation occurred.  Here we are again with a major storm hitting CT and wiping out the power and our resources.  It was just yesterday that Barbara Hardie was at the Center doing a workshop on Ascension and 2012.  Barbara was talking about the shifts in the Earth and how Mother Earth is working on aligning with the energy.  Well, she certainly is cleansing the middle of CT for something big.

My yard looks like a war zone.  We have beautiful trees around the yard and most of them are now torn up and on the ground.  Luckily, the house was only hit gently by a few large branches falling from high above.  I prayed to the angels to keep the house safe from any major damage.  I stopped into the Center this afternoon to see what possible damage might have been done.  The parking lot area got hit the worst with several trees down across the lower lot.  The entrance to the upstairs businesses was completely blocked by a large limb.  Out the back window to the classroom, there were two limbs down.  It is still beautiful and peaceful. I fed the wildlife and all was returned to its normal state.

So once again, we have much to be grateful for.  Continue your prayers for those who were impacted and know that this too shall pass.  Next week, we’ll be back to normal and the Earth will shift once again.  For now, I am blessed to have a sister who didn’t lose power and I am settling down for a warm night of sleep.  I will pray for you.

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