Change, Navigating Life and Spirituality
I had the pleasure of joining Dr. Kevin W. Reese on his Podcast, Inner Peace with Dr. Reese. This is my second time joining Dr. Reese and it was a very different time in my life, this time around. We …
Spirituality, Mediumship and more
I recently had the opportunity to sit with my friend Dr. Kevin W. Reese on his Podcast, Inner Peace with Dr. Reese. We have a great time talking about being in business, spirituality, mediumship and so much more. Take a …
Mental vs. Physical Mediumship
Every time we have the honor of hosting Physical Medium, Warren Caylor, I get so excited to see what his Spirit Team will show us. Every séance is different as every group of attendees is different. If you have ever …
So Simple Raw, Vegan, Gluten-free Pad Thai
Pad Thai I get asked so many times to post my recipes for the food I make. This Pad Thai is so simple and so fresh for the spring and summer and you don’t have to worry about people …
Eight weeks that changed my life forever
On April 26th, the world lost the most vibrant energy I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Kyla Pokorny came into my life on March 3rd for a Meet your Angels and Guides class. That was my first meeting …
Grace in the midst of change
My intent today was to mind my own business and take care of the things that I needed to do for me. I had no intention of watching the Inauguration events, or TV at all for that matter. Apparently other …
Accountability is our word for the day. The Mirriam-Webster Dictionary defines accountability as: An obligation or willingness to accept responsibility The world around you may feel like it’s spinning out of control. You may feel like you don’t have control. In reality, do …
2017 New Year’s Day Message
Each year, during our annual New Year’s Day meditation, Spirit provides a message for all those who are in attendance. As we started 2016, the message was about not creating any Resolutions but rather to create a Revolution. The message …