The Amazing Power of Prayer

This is definitely worth sharing with all of you.  On Sunday, I was feeding the birds at the Center and cleaning up after the storm.  Three medium sized branches had fallen on the back hill.  I was moving the second one out of the way and the end of it was stuck in the snow.  I slipped on the leaves under the snow and landed on my left hip.  I got up, brushed myself off and released the branches and moved the limb.  I could feel where I fell but was able to continue through my day getting work done.  That night, still without power, I decided to drive to my sister’s house where there was heat and hot water.  When I got out of the car, I had a hard time walking as my hip was in extreme pain.  The entire night I was trying to sleep and couldn’t because I couldn’t move my leg without lifting it with my hand.  I slept about two hours that night.

Monday was a day of getting things done, cancelling classes, and calling appointments for the week.  As the day went on, I was getting around, but still in pain.  That night was more of the same pain and lack of movement and lack of sleep.  I did take a few clients on Tuesday and I could tell by their faces that they were worried about me.  If I put any weight on my left leg, I would have fallen over.  I decided I was going to give it a few days of healing before I did anything within the medical realm.  I asked for distance healing and prayer from two very powerful healers and a third generously offered her services.  Tuesday night, exhausted, I climbed into bed at 8:00 p.m.  I lay in bed at my sister’s house and connected with my breathe.  I decided I would do a trance healing on myself.  I followed my usual process that I do with my clients and brought myself to trance.  In comes Jesus to walk with me and share with me what I needed to understand from this incident.  I drifted off to sleep and woke up around 4:00 a.m.  I was able to move my leg, my hip and my body without pain.  I got out of bed and stood up with about 80% improvement in my comfort level.  I climbed back into bed and drifted off to sleep again awakening to my alarm at 7:30 a.m.  I easily got out of bed, stood up, was able to walk about with a lot less pain and a lot more range of motion.  It was a 12-hour miraculous recovery.

I sent out an updated text to all those saying prayers and offering healing for me.  It’s 8:20 p.m. and I am still able to move around without pain.  I know that something happened in my hip and it is still healing though I am fully aware that prayer and hands on healing has made all the difference.

I have seen many positive changes in my clients who have been seeing me for trance healing.  It’s been a powerful modality of me getting out of the way and allowing Spirit to do the work.  We are all powerful healers and have the ability to call upon Spirit to assist us.  Don’t be afraid to ask for prayers, blessings and healings to be sent to you from Spirit or humans around you.  Even in our busy lives, we all have a few minutes each day to say a prayer for someone.

Who will you send a prayer to today?



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