Radical Acceptance
I’ve had a few lessons these past weeks on accepting what is. First, I thank you for your patience as the web server was giving us a few problems staying clean and we needed to switch vendors. That was a …
How much do we really need to live in this world?
I have a lot of stuff. It’s really bothering me how much stuff I have and it’s time to get rid of it. I’m not a hoarder. I just have things that I have acquired over the years that take …
The Empowered Voice
More and more lessons coming my way this week. Spirit has me eliminating so much that has been cluttering my life. I’ve made decisions over the past week that really feel good for me and have allowed me to step back …
I’ve had some hard lessons to learn about transference on me these past few weeks. Transference is the redirection of feelings needs and desires, and especially of those unconsciously retained from childhood, toward a new object, oftentimes a therapist, counselor …
The new moon is upon us and that brings in new energy. For many of us, unfortunately, that new energy will be bringing up more of the old stuff to release and eliminate. This is a time of energetic purging. …
Where is the Ground???
Has anyone else been expriencing this amazing shift of energy? The world is moving so fast, I feel like I’ve lost my footing and don’t know where the ground is. The full moon this past Sunday was amazing. Besides being …
Channeling your Angels and Guides
The energy of the world is moving so quickly. I can’t believe it is already the middle of April. This month has flown by as I prepare for so many events this month. I’m getting ready for the Whole Health …
Do you have an “I” problem?
I was having a conversation with a group of people today and I started to find myself getting a little annoyed. We were sharing stories and relating information about what was happening for each of us and I noticed one person starting …
Good, Better, Best
It was a very busy month of people moving through emotional events in their life and releasing past issues. In my sessions, I have found that many people want to stay in their past because it feels the most comfortable for …