Let us remember what tomorrow is all about
Well, the holiday has finally arrived. Through all the hustle and bustle leading up to this weekend, you would have thought this would be a week-long event. I’m sitting at the Center in peace with Silent Night playing in the …
The people in our lives
On Friday I attended a going away party for someone who worked with me at my former corporate employer. This was someone I had hired 6 1/2 years ago right out of school. I had her resume in a batch …
Your greatest burden
I held a powerful Women’s Empowerment Meditation this past Sunday. Before each monthly session, I receive a message as to the theme of what we will be talking about. I don’t mention it until each participant starts to speak on what they …
As you step to the edge, will you be pushed or will you fly?
Today was a day of learning for me. I see around me many clients and students who are approaching their next level of consciousness. There is a sense of calm and a sense of worry that exists at the same …
Building Foundations for our Spirituality
I just finished the Psychic Saturday event and had a wonderful day. Somehow, no matter how many breaks I build into my schedule, I end up never getting to take more than 5-minutes. I had a sold out event and …
Are you a Human Doer or a Human Being?
The holidays are upon us and the hustle and bustle of “doing”, rather than “being”, is running rampant in many of our lives. I’m looking at today being December 1 and I wonder how we got here already. I don’t …
So much to be Thankful for
As I sit in the Center this beautiful Friday evening, finished with clients for the day and looking forward to a weekend away, I’m thinking back only four months ago to my old rental space. I never would have imagined the …
I AM or Am I?
As you go through each day, I want you to ask yourself this question. “Am I living an I AM life or a life of AM I?” The bible teaches us in I John 4:17 that “As Jesus is, so …
Being Present, what a great present
Today was a long day! I’ve been up since 3:40 a.m. and only had a few hours of sleep before awakening. It’s now 9:30 p.m and I’m still going strong and able to come up with some semi-intelligent thoughts to …
Shining brightly in a dark place
This week has been illuminating for me. Yes, the power is back on however, I’ve found so many people this week afraid to turn on their inner light and shine it brightly out to the world. If you find yourself in a …